Let’s face it, your team is critical to your company’s success. Since successful strategic outcomes depend on your team, “begin with the end in mind,” says Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is an example of mindset – focusing on what is to be accomplished – the end goal – and sticking to it. But successful execution of a company strategy goes beyond the mindset of the leader(s). Gaining an understanding of the mindset of the entire team helps to identify the potential for alignment within the organization, which translates into both motivation and commitment to goals.
When committing to a strategy, the likelihood of success increases when most of your people have the right mindset. Putting first things first, goes beyond the what to include the why. As Simon Sinek put it in his book, “start with why – but know how.” What is it that the organization hopes to achieve? Does that feel right to those who are expected to bring it to reality? As leaders, we should be reminded to keep our eye on the WIFM’s (what’s in it for me) of others, especially our teams. Employee engagement is critical to keeping and attracting top talent to your company.
No company has ever been criticized for focusing too much on its people. We all recognize that a business is only as good as those who work there. It is worth considering why some businesses are populated by highly engaged, motivated individuals with the right mindset while many others are dealing with poorly engaged teams and high turnover.
Here are a few ways to ensure your organization has engaged teams with the right mindset:
Have a clear, concise, and well communicated strategy and review it regularly with all your team members. Preferably in a 90 day planning format with established and agreed upon goals and objectives.
Use job-fit tools to objectively assess candidates when hiring and developing employees. Get the right people in the right seats.
Have a growth model that works. Businesses are either growing or they are going backwards; there is no in-between. Make sure your team knows what to focus on.
Commit to increasing leadership skills. It’s an area of training with one of highest returns on investment.
Have a structured coaching and training program throughout the organization to ensure continual employee growth. By insuring a minimum level of individual competency and self-awareness, teamwork and communication will increase and your organizations productivity along with it.
Gauge employee satisfaction and engagement regularly and consider that data when developing and implementing your strategic goals and plans.
A culture with the right mindset takes time to create, but it is essential to your growth and weathering the inevitable rough patches. There is wisdom in the old saying, “The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago, the second-best time is today.” The sooner you commit to creating the right mindset in your organization the more likely you are to engage your team and achieve successful strategic outcomes.
I help business owners and managers with 90 day planning and strategy development. Contact me at andrew@newhorizonsbizdev.com to discuss your needs in further detail.